The Top Ten Ways Space Exploration Benefits Earth - The Cosmic Companion 7 Jan. 2022
Space exploration benefits all of humanity. Here’s a look at the top 10 ways going to space helps everyone on Earth.
Space exploration benefits Earth and everyone living on it in ways most people never expect — Here’s 10 reasons why investing in space is our best hope for humanity.

Space exploration is the grandest endeavor the human race has ever undertaken. Reaching out beyond the planetary cradle on which we evolved represents the next logical step in the evolution of the human race. In the words of Gene Roddenberry, space truly is “the final frontier.”
It is certainly tempting to think of exploration as coming at a tremendous financial cost. There are also many pressing needs right here at home, which must be addressed. Perhaps surprisingly for some, the best hope we have to solve many of our challenges here on Earth is to venture beyond the confines of the planet we call home.
Read more: The Top Ten Ways Space Exploration Benefits Earth
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