Could Venusian Volcanoes form Phosphine in the Atmosphere of Venus? - The Cosmic Companion July 14, 2021
Phosphine found last Autumn in the atmosphere of Venus may have been the result of volcanoes, a new study reveals.
Do Venusian volcanoes cause phosphine seen in the atmosphere on our planetary neighbor?
Venus is a hellish world — crushing atmospheric pressures on the surface meet temperatures hot enough to melt lead, joined by a choking atmosphere of carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid rain.
In the fall of 2020, researchers announced the discovery of phosphine in the upper atmosphere of Venus. Although this chemical can be produced by chemical processes on Earth, most is the result of biology. This raised the remote possibility of alien lifeforms living in the upper, temperate, layers of the Venusian atmosphere.
Now, a new study suggests another intriguing possibility — this gas might be a sign of active Venusian volcanoes on the surface of our planetary neighbor.
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- James